There are an endless array of senior picture ideas. However, these are five ideas that should give you an idea of how to add an amusing twist to yours.
Click The Dust Off Your Feet
The heel-click-jump, also known as the leprechaun jump, is a great way to end 12 years of work. Make it a dramatic affair by placing your school bag or school books behind you but closer to the camera.
Walk Into The Sunset
Nothing is more dramatic yet concluding like a poignant walk into the sunset. You can have your cap and gown in either hand trailing behind you. To capture this picture, you need to time it perfectly.
Embrace The Concrete Jungle
Most senior pictures are taken in picturesque locations – gardens and fields – why not go against the grain, literally and figuratively, and take your pictures on a rooftop surrounded by skyscrapers?
Walk Down The Road
This can either be playful or dramatic, depending on how you choose to capture it. However, the image of you walking down the road and on to the next chapter of your life is a perfect way to capture your progress.
Read Your Favorite Book
Your senior year is the culmination of so many things, one of those being your entrance into adulthood. Why not show off your dreams and inspirations by reading one of your favorite books? This can give great insight as to who YOU are in this season of your life. Share something that moves you, gets you motivated, or can get you pumped about your future.
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Be sure to have fun and document the moment! You are only a senior once!